Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mentality of Filipinos

Like other people from other countries, Filipinos have their own mentality it can be Good or Bad. Filipinos have their own expression which is "Bahala Na ", which means leaving everything to the Destiny or even God's will. When they are not so sure about the situation they are facing they are using this word. Another is Filipinos are known to be "Crab Mentality". It is based on the crabs that you can see in one basket that when one crab is getting higher, another crab will pull it down to get ahead. In simple explanation, Filipinos sometimes bring other people down to have a better living. Other mentality is Filipinos like imported products instead of their own  product. And the most popular mentality is the word "Utang na Loob " or sense of gratitude. When other people did some favor to you , you must to bring that favor back to them. The bad thing is that favor is hard to return sometimes it can be a lifetime. But at the end Filipinos are still unique and unselfish people.

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