Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Various Superstitious of Filipinos

Filipinos have many superstitious beliefs. Most of them them are from different countries such as China, India, Malaysia and more. Some of those beliefs are still being followed and valued by the old people especially those from countrysides. Many of those beliefs are being followed to bring good lucks or avoid bad lucks. Filipinos have many superstitious beliefs about wedding and burials. One of their beliefs about wedding is the Bride should not try to wear the Bridal gown before wedding or unless the wedding will be ruined. Couple before to get married should not go out so often because some people believe that they are prone to danger before the wedding. Siblings should not marry at the same year because it will bring bad luck which they called "SUKOB ". Like marriage, Filipinos have also their superstitious beliefs about burials. Usually, relatives of the dead person put money in his or her hand and put the shoes inside the coffin because they believe that person after death will have a new travel, therefore he or she needs some means for travel. Filipino Catholics have more beliefs than other which are based also in superstitious beliefs that until now are being followed.

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